Today we will have appreciated the perfect fake Cartier. It’s late afternoon, and the Riva runabout’s engine slows to nearly an idle as you head slowly into the crowded port of the Island of Capri. Gradually, the engine putters to a stop and as you slide into position at the dock, you can feel the air cooling around you as the sun begins to sink lower in the horizon.

For a wonder, the harbor is not, at the moment, defiled by a cruise ship and you hop lightly off the transom onto the dock, grabbing your battered Louis Vuitton valise as the pilot tosses it to you with a cheery smile. A taxi – a fire-engine red vintage Fiat – is waiting, and it cruises in a leisurely way up the winding roads to the Punta Tragara, originally designed as a villa for Le Corbusier.
Your trunks are already waiting in your rooms, and you step out onto the balcony, inhale the Mediterranean air, and pour a cocktail from the burning-cold shaker the concierge has had sent up. The Vesper martini is an icy invitation to enjoy the sunset, and you check the time on your best quality fake Cartier Cloche – 6:00 PM, and you’re having the most perfect summer cocktail hour imaginable. –Jack Forster
Swiss fake Cloche de Cartier, $39,400 in gold